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Our Customers Are The Proof
"Ear cleansing solution: I know lots of dogs have ear issues, so I purchased this product before I even got my puppy! I just put some on a makeup pad and wipe his ears gently. It has a very delicate scent, and seems to be very moisturizing, all while keeping his ears clean. Very happy with this!"
- Karen W. -
"I have been using the shampoo for the last 7 months, and I am thoroughly enjoying it, and so is my pug! His skin does not get hot or irritated like it does from other dog shampoos. I love how it can easily get through the fur for a thorough cleaning down to the skin. I am sensitive to scents, and I always had to endure the headaches I received from using other dog shampoos; I really love the fact the shampoo does not have a scent, and I can bathe my pug headache free! I am a customer for life."
-Jeremy M. -
"Mouthwash: I love this product! It makes my pup’s breath smell good, keeps his teeth healthy and he actually seems to like it! It’s super easy to administer as well. I just open his mouth before bedtime and spray in!"
Karen W. -
“Nature's pet is great!! I've had so many issues with my Lab with ear issues and allergy issues and Nature’s pet products have helped relieve my dogs dry skin and balance out her ears. The first product we started off with was the Outdoor spray. It keeps the flies and ticks away. Great product. We have used the ear cleansing lotion which is great cleans out all the nasty dirt. We have used the paw salve in winter for her dry pads and even if she lacks it most of it soaks into her paws. We have used the dog shampoo and boy does it work!! Eliminates pet smells instantly leave coat shiny and skin moisturized. I love Natures pets products”
- Michelle B.

Formulated by a Homeopathic Vet
Nature’s Pet, Natural Pet Care Products were created as a result of my long-term desire to offer a natural line of products for our beloved, furry friends. These products are backed by my many years of experience as a holistic veterinarian and studies in homeopathy with a specialty in natural cancer treatment.