Improving the Quality of Life
The Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that was originally introduced for the
treatment of cancer in humans in the 1920’s by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of
anthroposophic medicine. It was already used by the Celtics in the past as the
“all healer” and it started with the tradition in human therapy. Clinically, mistletoe
has been found to work equally well for the animal’s therapy.
The primary goal of mistletoe therapy for tumour diseases is to improve and
maintain the quality of life of the affected animals. Many pets, especially dogs,
can show a rapid improvement in their general condition during mistletoe
treatment, with deeper relaxed sleep and an improved appetite. Older animals
are often more active on their daily walks. Tumour-related pain can be reduced,
the immune system can be strengthened and the side effects of chemotherapy
and radiation therapy can be diminished. In small animals, mistletoe therapy
can extend the survival time after basic tumour therapy even if the tumour is still
there and the general state last well. In some animals, a retardation of the
tumour growth has been observed up to the growth stagnation of the tumour. In
virus-induced tumors like equines sarcoid or sticker sarcoma in dogs, the tumour can also completely disappear. Mistletoe treatment can be performed before or after tumour surgery, after or during chemotherapy or radiation. However, it is also used as the sole, primary therapy for equine sarcoid, for example. If a cure for cancer is no longer possible, mistletoe therapy is used as palliative care to alleviate the disease.
Let us know if you would like to learn more.
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Gisela Novaes
Holistic Veterinarian - Certified Canine Myo Manipulative Functional Therapist